Thursday, October 16, 2008

Nursing School

I GOT IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Becky said...

DUH!! You are freakin Autumn . . .there should have been no doubt. That being said. . I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU CONGRATS!!!!

Janis said...

Congrats! Way to go!!

Jen said...

Congratulations! That is awesome news. Where are you going? Please tell me it is close.

Erica said...

First, congratulations again!!!!! That's really exciting!! When do you start? Secondly, thank you for the reassuring!! haha I have been a little stressed about it since our conversation last night. That helps! Had a blast with you and can't wait to see you again in November!

cassi said...

I just found your blog and am so excited you have one! Congrats again on Nursing School!!!!
And thanks again for my beautiful flowers!!! You are the BEST Autumn!!!

Jes and Elvin said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! Bottom got in!! I am so proud of you and so so happy! Your blog will be a fun update to your life.