Monday, October 20, 2008

Throwing everything I own away....

Last night, in a drug induced fit of energy, I started cleaning my room. And when I say cleaning, I mean throwing everything I own away. I have an insane amount of scrapbooking materials that I never use but I have the hardest time throwing away. I just KNOW that the minute I throw it away, I will suddenly become a creative scrapbooking genius. I have two weeks to come to terms with my lack of scrapbooking skills because on November 8th, Saturday at 6PM Central Standard time, I have an appointment with a chronic organizer and her only job is to throw everything I own away.


Sandy said...

I'm glad you joined the blogging world, Bottom! I love reading your little posts, they make me laugh. Good luck on the organizing and becoming more "grown up." Neither sounds like any fun to me! :) I'll keep checking up on you!

Jen said...

I want all of your scrapbooking stuff, should you end up being forced to chuck it. I would LOVE to have more, even though I have no room for it...I'll make room!