Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Simple Pleasures

1) You know that nasty snow/dirt/ice booger that accumulates behind the tires on your car? Specifically the front wheels? For the last month or more, my driver side front wheel has had a MAJOR cliff hanger hanging off of it. So much so that the wheel would scrape against it whenever I turned a corner. But no matter how much I kicked at it, full body assault on it, I would just hurt my foot or break my shoe...or even hurt my car. I even went at it with my window scraper but no luck. I tried going to a car wash and it didn't even touch it. FINALLY, today after so, so long, I went at it again and it fell off!!!! WOOHOO!!! It was so exhilarating!!

2) While I was going at my snow/dirt/ice booger on my car, I saw a elderly couple, 80s, walking through the parking lot holding hands. So sweet. Makes me smile.

3) I was in the parking lot paying a bill. I know this sounds dumb, but actually having the money to pay the bill makes my day. I think everyone is kind of tight right now and it totally made me happy to be able to pay my bill!!:)

4) Ok, this is a gross one. I went out and bought a new toilet brush, I think one of my sister's stole my old one for their bathroom. At least I hope that is what happened. The concept that I may have actually lost my toilet brush is to disturbing to contemplate. I am a HUGE fan of the disposable plastic Scrubbing Bubbles brushes, which was the kind my sister stole. So I got myself a new one and it came with two 'tough' brushes for tough jobs. What kind of toilet cleaning job actually requires a 'tough' brush, I do not want to know. But I thought I would try it out. Hooked that puppy up and went to town on my toilet. What fun!! It got underneath the lid part that you can't see, oh, it was great. As I was cleaning my toilet, I knew that I was actually enjoying myself, and I knew that was a sad fact. See, I told you, a gross simple pleasure. Though in my defense, I have never minded cleaning the toilet. The bathtub is a whole different story. Can't stand doing that...I hate it almost as much as I hate unloading the dishwasher. Now that is my least favorite job. I may have had to clean my toilet, but at least I didn't have to unload the dishwasher! Simple pleasures!!


yuan family said...

You are too funny. I will empty your dishwasher if you clean my toilets!!

Logan said...

Autumn, Autumn, Autumn...
Before trying to remove the road boogers off your car, make sure the outside temperature is closer to 32 F than 0 F. Or, put your car in the garage for a few hours. It works, I promise. Then your DAD gets to clean up the mess. He will applaud you for giving him a reason to clean out the garage. Or your mom will. Or something.
Also, how can you enjoy scrubbing toilets? We have a deal at my house. K does the toilets, I do the garbages. And we have lived fuller, happier lives!
Lastly - and most importantly - they make heavy duty toilet scrub brushes for people who have pooping toddlers. You see, their potty chairs make them sit too far forward. So, instead of the poop falling into the water, it falls in that spot between the waterline and front toilet bowl lip. You would think that flushing would get rid of it. But it doesn't. The pieces that aren't flushed away weld themselves onto the toilet bowl wall. Sadly, nasty chemicals and heavy duty brush harassment are all that will remove them...
Best of luck to you and your new toilet brush!

Amber said...

Oh, it's the little pleasures in life that make life so worth living! I hope you are doing good and that you find more little pleasures. If you find what that miraculously scrubs the toilet or empties the dishwasher for you...and doesn't cost an arm and a leg - let me know!

Nat said...

Oooh, I LOVE kicking off the car boogers. And crunching on ice, both with my feet outside or the ice in my glass with my teeth. And when we were little the house down the street had some sprinkler heads that wouldn't go down, and we loved to push them down with our feet.

Life is really about the simple pleasures, huh?

Valerie said...

You are funny. I am glad your simple pleasure list didn't include any illegal drugs. I enjoy a clean toilet, but not actually cleaning it :)