Sunday, July 12, 2009

Torn up

Today I had my very first official bike face plant. Totally fell off my bike...hard. Of course, there were plenty of people on the path to stop and make sure I was alright and make sure that I was aware that many people saw me face plant. How embarrassing! I hit the side of the path, over corrected and face planted it. Ripped my most favorite pair of pants. Ripped my brand new amazing bike seat. Oh, and ripped my knee. I was tough though. Bounced right back up, made sure my knee was not profusely bleeding and started to cry when I saw my brand new bike seat all torn up. So sad. Becca was fascinated that I was more worried about my seat over my knee. After a few tears shed over my seat, I got back on and Becca and I finished riding...had to prove my toughness. I have decided that the new rips in the seat make me look tough. At least they will once I stop crying... poor little perfect seat.


Lees said...

You are hard-core girl! I hope your ponytail appreciates what you go through in order to keep it around :)

Jen said...

You poor thing!

Allison and Jared said...

I know how you feel...I now I think you are tough and brave!

Nat said...

Dude, that sucks. My sister did an end-over a couple of months ago-it tore a chunk of her toe off. I would have sworn bikes off for life. I'm sorry about your knee/jeans/bike seat.